29 April 2010

McBroon duffed-up by a pensioner

McBroon, the raider of British pensions, came face with a real pensioner when told he had to mix more with real voters instead of the marshalled lines of McBroon-nosers hitherto in the election campaign...

The smiles and smarms of his little chat with Gillian Duffy - a grandmother who had worked for Rochdale council for 30 years - vanished when he got into the safety of his bomb-proof Jaguar. McBroon's rant in which he denigrated Mrs Duffy as "bigoted woman" was picked up by his still attached Sky News lapel microphone and broadcast around the world in minutes.

The message was clear, McBroon epitomises bigotry and hypocrisy, easily capable of switching from Mr Nice to Mr Nasty when he thinks he is not in control. He placed no value on the good works Gillian Duffy had done with handicapped kids and other in need sections of the public.

Her views seemed to him to be at odds with his own, despite she claimed she was a life-long Labour Party supporter but now with concerns about tax, law and order, education and immigration.

Other pensioner voters will have further concerns about McBroon and his rants and rages. He's lost Gillian Duffy's vote and now millions more could vanish because pensioners represent around 40% of the electorate.

And many pensioners will be browsing the property in Spain Spanish bank repossession bargain pages to get as far away from McBroon and his cohorts if they come anywhere near influencing any of their lives after the election...


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