23 March 2009

Air Miles for Ministers amid gloom

While McBroon Government Ministers build up their Air Miles points to convince other countries that Britain didn’t start the world financial collapse and their ideas on the solutions are to help all countries beat the recession, the gloom continues at home.

Even the Daily Mail group, the McBroons’ greatest critic, is feeling the pinch and firing 1,000 people just hours after exposing another Minister for having his nose in the home expenses trough. The newspaper had earlier had its say on the poacher turned gamekeeper, Lord Milner, who was hoodwinked by Sir Fred the Shred and his cronies at Royal Bank of Scotland.

So no changes for the better for the country’s over 50s trying to plan for their retirement futures, or even changes for the worse, as the Tories appear to be U-turning on their promise to scrap the death tax for all leaving less than a million pounds.

This confusion and uncertainty is driving more people towards a move to Spain, sensibly-run and in a better financial state than McBroon battered Britain. The British Ambassador to Spain Denise Holt appeared positive about the new property safeguards now introduced when she appeared on BBC Breakfast TV this morning.

She warned Brits planning to move to Spain to take professional advice, learn the language and join the local Age Concern branch. There are plenty of opportunities to do just that on the Google top ranked website for Spain or read the Ambassador’s blog

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