29 January 2010

Taliban can afford to move to Spain…

There can be few people left who do not think unbeloved, unelected leader McBroon has lost the plot in the fiscal arena after his crazy idea to hand over millions to the terrible Taliban to rebuild their lives rather than give a helping hand to thousands of British families and pensioners in near penury as a result of his pension raids and stealth taxes of the last decade.

As McBroon postures on the international stage handing out taxpayers’ money right, left and centre to boost his ego and piggy bank when he is finally given the Order of the Boot by British voters, it’s clear he has lost touch with reality.

To claim Britain is out of recession on the basis of some barely measureable GDP for a single quarter when it takes the results of three successive quarters to prove we are in a recession, is clutching at straws.

McBroon has run up debts equal to 72% of the GDP and it will take a decade of even higher taxes and belt tightening to pay this lot back – even longer if the international lenders decide to charge higher interest rates because of the country’s poor performance.

This is a frightening prospect for pensioners and those thinking about retirement based on fixed incomes. The Taliban can afford new poppy farms, trade in their mopeds for 4x4 all-terrain Land Cruisers fitted with rocket launchers and have R&R breaks in sunny Spain. Brits in need get another slap in the face from McBroon.

Future hardships, even if the Cameroons manage to scrape an election victory, are guaranteed for UK citizens in a country wracked and ruined by the idiotic McBroons.

Is it any wonder that so many over-50 Brits are now researching moving to Spain where their pensions will go further, their lives will be warmer, their full-filled years all the longer and the direct aftermath of the McBroon era can be escaped…

There are loads of property bargains in Spain, but be quick before the Taliban catch onto the idea of a Spanish life-style funded by the British taxpayer…

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