11 May 2009

Spanish property with no capital gains tax...

The McBroon Muppet Speaker, spent longer attacking the Daily Telegraph for revealing the House of Horrors expenses slapped in by MPs, than he did detailing plans to clean-out the stables. The supposedly “independent” blustering Michael Martin did find time to slag off two of the more honest MPs who tried in vain to influence his plans.

Over 50s, used to more gentlemanly times in the so-called Mother of Parliaments, might recall occasional scandals involving individual Members, but never, seemingly, anything involving so many snouts – including the high falutin’ Martin himself - in the trough. Avoiding capital gains, on second homes, as achieved by many MPs, is now available to property in Spain

The McBroons and Speaker Martin had planned to slip out censured details of MP’s expenses in the middle of the summer when families would be on their hard-earn holidays in Spain or focused on buying a place in the sun away from mired Britain.

But the Telegraph thought UK residents should know how they have been taken for a ride by their elected ones before the crucial local elections next month, so they could X-out any hopes the McBroons might have of saving their last handful of local councils or getting any more of their ilk onto the EU gravy train.

Only hours earlier the first “Sorries” were uttered by the party leaders, who again blamed the system, but neither suggested that the tax-payers should get their money back where dodgy deals were involved.

Meanwhile, more over-50s and pensioners, were deciding to explore the prospects for a bargain property purchase in Spain with an option for avoiding payment of any capital gains tax emulating the flipping MPs.

Yes, Brit buyers can legally avoid capital gain tax and inheritance tax on property in Spain if they buy through Libertad (Freedom) sponsored by the leading property specialists in Spain and Spanish banking partners.

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