McBroon, the raider of British pensions, came face with a real pensioner when told he had to mix more with real voters instead of the marshalled lines of McBroon-nosers hitherto in the election campaign...
The smiles and smarms of his little chat with Gillian Duffy - a grandmother who had worked for Rochdale council for 30 years - vanished when he got into the safety of his bomb-proof Jaguar. McBroon's rant in which he denigrated Mrs Duffy as "bigoted woman" was picked up by his still attached Sky News lapel microphone and broadcast around the world in minutes.
The message was clear, McBroon epitomises bigotry and hypocrisy, easily capable of switching from Mr Nice to Mr Nasty when he thinks he is not in control. He placed no value on the good works Gillian Duffy had done with handicapped kids and other in need sections of the public.
Her views seemed to him to be at odds with his own, despite she claimed she was a life-long Labour Party supporter but now with concerns about tax, law and order, education and immigration.
Other pensioner voters will have further concerns about McBroon and his rants and rages. He's lost Gillian Duffy's vote and now millions more could vanish because pensioners represent around 40% of the electorate.
And many pensioners will be browsing the property in Spain Spanish bank repossession bargain pages to get as far away from McBroon and his cohorts if they come anywhere near influencing any of their lives after the election...
29 April 2010
27 April 2010
UK fiscal storms or sunbelt for over--50s
Still no good news for Brit over-50s and pensioners as the last lap of the General Election race gets underway…Not much on Europe either from McBroon or Lord Meddlesome, the former EU commissioner who made his millions there.
More of the silver-hair brigade will be deciding shortly on whether they head off to the sunbelt or weather out the fiscal storms to come in murky Britain, whichever party rules the roost. Pensions are expected to be static, cost of living expected to rise and general expectations have definitely been lowered by the election campaign so far.
While the UK politicos argue about who can make the most cuts while keeping frontline jobs and creating millions of new jobs with no cash in the piggy bank to invest, their Spanish equivalents are taking a more sensible tack to solve that country’s similar problems.
Spain has billions of Euros put away for such a rainy day, unlike McBroon who sold Britain’s gold at an 80% discount, spent faster than earnings for a decade and promised the end of “boom and bust” just months before UK PLC went bust and tumbled into the biggest Black Hole of Debt ever recorded.
While Britain has a few miles of high-speed train tracks from the Channel Tunnel and plans to get one to link London with Birmingham in 10 years or so, Spain is criss-crossed by high speed trains and has just announced a EUR 20 billion extension of the network. The work will get underway quickly as a major jobs generator and will boost business and tourism once completed.
If only the UK could make take such decisive action as quickly as MaƱana Land!
Meanwhile, as the election rumbles on, over-50s see more reasons to retire to a sunbelt country like Spain: UK pension will go further; lower cost of living; better weather and life-style; strong British ex-pat communities etc…
More of the silver-hair brigade will be deciding shortly on whether they head off to the sunbelt or weather out the fiscal storms to come in murky Britain, whichever party rules the roost. Pensions are expected to be static, cost of living expected to rise and general expectations have definitely been lowered by the election campaign so far.
While the UK politicos argue about who can make the most cuts while keeping frontline jobs and creating millions of new jobs with no cash in the piggy bank to invest, their Spanish equivalents are taking a more sensible tack to solve that country’s similar problems.
Spain has billions of Euros put away for such a rainy day, unlike McBroon who sold Britain’s gold at an 80% discount, spent faster than earnings for a decade and promised the end of “boom and bust” just months before UK PLC went bust and tumbled into the biggest Black Hole of Debt ever recorded.
While Britain has a few miles of high-speed train tracks from the Channel Tunnel and plans to get one to link London with Birmingham in 10 years or so, Spain is criss-crossed by high speed trains and has just announced a EUR 20 billion extension of the network. The work will get underway quickly as a major jobs generator and will boost business and tourism once completed.
If only the UK could make take such decisive action as quickly as MaƱana Land!
Meanwhile, as the election rumbles on, over-50s see more reasons to retire to a sunbelt country like Spain: UK pension will go further; lower cost of living; better weather and life-style; strong British ex-pat communities etc…
14 April 2010
Two new truths boost Spanish property

Shock one came when McBroon, having denied for years that he was the architect of the UK’s fiscal meltdown as Chancellor and then Prime Minister, finally admitted he’d been too soft on the bankers and their antics caused the crisis.
Shock two was when Spain’s ultra conservative National Institute of Statistics (INE) revealed the first double digit growth in Spanish property sales for three years. Sales increased by 20% in February after a marginal 2% in January, a great boost for Spain’s main engine of economic growth.
As 60% of the sales were in second hand properties, it seems like the many Spanish bank repossession bargains are the main driver of this new-found market recovery. Other indicators also seem to point towards a slow but clear and steady recovery of the collapsed real estate market. Analysts expect the activity in the main second home markets to spread across Spain in future month.
So if McBroon was the architect of Britain’s fiscal disaster and ongoing hardships for families and the over-50s that’s not going to endear his party to the voters. However, the Cameroons haven’t announced any plans to help the over-50s recover from McBroon’s pensions raids, so a move to Spain remains a good hedge.
The high level of property sales in Spain suggests the prices are ripe and tempting for many 1,000s of buyers and specialists PropertyInSpain.Net claim current prices remain at their lowest for a decade in Spain.
Right now might be the opportune moment for savvy investors to grab a bargain property in Spain before they are snapped up by the more derring-do Scandinavian, Russian and Spanish buyers, who have pushed the sales to record levels so far this year…
6 April 2010
Payback time for pensioners as McBroon quits

It should be the beginning of the end of McBroon and his bungling Labour Party as he announced the General Election date and scuttled round to Buckingham Palace to get his demob from the Queen…
That was just 24 hours after it was revealed that the Over-55s are the biggest voting segment in the UK as they represent over 42% of the electorate. These are the pensioners whose pensions were robbed by McBroon for five successive years until there was hardly anything left in the pot that was worth taxing; the 42% also includes the next generation of pensioners who will find the pot is empty and, as a result, will have to eke out their golden year.
It’s payback time for the over 50s, who have witnessed the biggest decline in Britain’s economy since Herr Hitler departed the scene and the biggest pile of debt in the country’s history. They worry about their futures, they need to worry about the future of their grandkids as National debt is around one trillion pounds and needs repaying pretty pronto.
Quality care in old age doesn't come cheap. But if McBroon hadn't stolen £100 billion from pension funds and destroyed a private pension system that was the envy of the world, millions of over-50s would have a lot more money to pay for their own care as they get older.
If, despite the huge anticipated anti-vote of the over-50s, McBroon cons his way back to Downing Street, the exodus to sunbelt countries will become a stampede.
If the Cameroons win the election, they don’t have a magic wand to restore the basket-case UK economy, so a place in sunny Spain will still come in handy for this and the next generation of Brit families.
Beat the rush to Spain – start looking for property bargains now…the prices are the lowest for a decade.
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