Prime Minister McBroon is in a right pickle, having had his clapped-out New Labour saved by an £11M investment from clapped-out, seventies-style Old Stalinists in the Unite trade union, it’s now payback time.
McBroon is using the union’s cash to fight the next election and carry on with his crazy government of the Britain he has ruined. To make sure he toes the Militant Tendency line, Unite has set up a manned desk in Number 10 itself and hired McBroon’s disgraced attack dog publicist, Charlie Whelan, as their “political director”.
For many Over-50s it’s a clear throwback to the Seventies when Labour was controlled by the unions and strike-bound Britain ground to a halt. Only this time around the country owes billions more and the level of corruption is even greater. Cameroons posters show “Cash Gordon” hiding wads of Unite cash behind his back and wearing a pilot’s uniform with his cap badged Unite – even as British Airways fight off the union’s strikers.
Nobody got to vote for McBroon when he claimed the job of Prime Minister, nobody would have, if they’d known he was a stooge of militant trade unionists, back on parade after 30 years licking their wounds in the political wilderness.
Surely no sensible voter will vote for Labour Unite in May…but don’t count on it.
Over 50s are in pole position to quit the Britain that will be awash with soaring taxes, declining services, pensioner penury and aggressive trade unions claiming more desks in Downing Street. Brits approaching retirement can grab their assets and head out to a sunbelt country like Spain and take control of their golden years…
Staying in Britain, they are likely to face a decade of chaos, disorder, strikes and industrial unrest, causing Sterling to sink even lower against the Dollar and Euro and prices and interest rates to soar. Fixed incomes can’t cope with that scenario.
Things might be better if the Cameroons win, but they don’t have a magic wand to undo the knots of public debit that will strangle the future prospects of millions, specifically the Over-50s and pensioners.
There is an alternative... A small investment in a property in Spain can provide a useful bunker as the war of attrition rages in the UK and it can be occupied strategically or full-time.
PropertyInSpain.Net and a group of Spanish banks are planning to launch special deals for Over-50s and pensioners that needs only £25,000 from UK savings to own a two or three bed property worth £100,000 in a good location on a choice of Costas.
The scheme is expected to offer maximum flexibility over the next decade – breadline chaos in Blighty or laid-back, Med lifestyle in Spain…
22 March 2010
19 March 2010
The Great Spain Getaway underway
Wise old sceptics among the electorate are now wondering about the veracity of McBroon’s other assertions on pensions, health service, education, crime figures, Government borrowing and how all of that aligns with their own future in the UK . They can vote him and his greedy cohorts out of office in May, but the problems will remain for a years.
Stick it out as the Cameroons struggle to stop Britain ’s slide into a third world nation, or up sticks to a land of sunshine and make the most of the measly remnants of a pension. Over-50s and pensioners might be encouraged in the latter solution after hearing McBroon state he plans to go on and on for ever – that from a geezer who was never elected in the first place and has ruined the economy big time.
Some say he is the worst Chancellor and Prime Minister ever, robbing Peter to pay Paul with stealth taxes, selling off the nation’s gold bullion for a quarter of the price it is now, wasting billions on things that don’t work like NHS IT systems, turban wars, Green initiatives, Lisbon Treaty etc. His errors of judgement are legion, starting when he was the proud wearer of a CND badge and not having had a real job in his whole life…
There are times when it seems all public bodies are fouling-up; from the police, local councils, hospitals, border patrol to the quangoes and “companies” cocking-up student grants, running prisons, research labs... Under McBroon if it isn’t broken, it isn’t working.
No wonder more Over-50s are planning their futures in Spain, where their pensions might go further, they could live longer spending less money and have a great time doing what they cherish most – the Great Spain Getaway is now underway.
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